Original CheeseTart. Matcha Cheese Tart with Shiratama and Azuki. Pablo Mini Original. Classic CheeseTartFrute. Matcha with Shiratama Frute. ChocolateCheeseTart.
However, I do loooveeee their Pablo Frute: Matcha with shiratama. tasted bitter and sooo matcha, with cheesewhipped cream on the top, I bet you will love this one! 😍😍😍
This is the price and cake menu if you are guys wondering. oh, and their Matchacake is too melted unlike their original cheesetart. so I was struggling to cut it.
I was bought their Matcha Cheese Tart with Shiratama & Azuki. tasted quite good but I was too tired after queue for 2 hours. the cake is too pricey tho for only 15cm cake 😢