The Tableware is so terrible..! Fork and spoon is oily..!the worst is the utensil provide by them to serve the pizza is stripping ! As a whole ,this is the most suck pizza hut branch!
Kata hv to wait 18 min for takeaway. Hv been waiting for the past one hour just to be told to wait another 10 min for the soup to be cooked. Apa ikan betol (wtfish)...
Service is fucked up. Run out of staffs on weekend. Not enough spoon and plate bla bla bla. What the point of you take service charge from customers???
The owner should be proud of the worst service offered by any Pizza Hut franchise in the nation. Took us one hour to get our fricking pizza; and we came at 7.30 pm.
Orang dekat kitchen asek mengunyah minum.menyanyi kuat2.Pastu gelak kuat2 dari dapur cakap dgn customer.Aircond plak rosak suruh duduk tepi silau2 panas. Bila nak change place tak kasi.
Take note lah..most of the crew mentality suka berborak kat counter. Xde dorg heran nk layan customer yg nk buat order. Well..wats ur xpectation kalo pegi tmpat uncivilization mcm ni?
sudu garfu utk 3org letak ikut suka.air pon sama.dh la lambt.peliknya pizza hut lain xplak mcm ni...nk suh amik order pon panggil sampai 3x br dtg....komplen kang mrh...mmg xmaju mcm ni..