Much more to C than just a bridge & view. Well worth stoping from Seville to Marbella w/ all the curves, it's mountains after all. Museums, Bullring good taperias, old town, arab baths, churches, etc.
Great view of canyon and bridge, but I wouldn't spent so much time driving here through curvy mountain like roads if I knew that these are the only things I would like.
Be sure to wander down the hill/valley and take in the view up to the bridge and buildings on either side of the 'canyon', truly amazing site, hard walk up & down in the heat, but worth it!
Die Altstadt, die Brücke, welche man auch von unten durchwandern kann (festes Schuhwerk und los!). Die Stierkampfarena kann man sich auch anschauen. Und eine Kutschfahrt lohnt auch!
Sin duda la ciudad de Ronda es una de las joyas del interior de la provincia de Málaga, con su impresionante Tajo, su Maestranza, el centro es ideal para perderse y disfrutar de todo lo que ofrece
Долгая езда по серпантину оправдывается красотой города и панорамных видов. Говорят,тут правтически всегда жарче. Советуем еще посмотреть арабские бани