The Breakfast is a must try. The combination of cornflakes, Nutella and vanilla gelato prepared with liquid nitrogen provides a gastronomical experience that will have you coming back for more!
The Winter Dream for those who suffer from cold, milk chocolate gelato added with 'tolak angin'. Mine is The Breakfast, plain base gelato with Nutella swirl topped with crunchy cornflakes. Taste good.
They make d ice-cream out of d nitrogen in front of my eyes, which is really awesome. They called themselves scientist. Wicked Ginger Bailey suits my taste, Avocado Espresso is a perfect combination.
mas2nya ada yg aneh sumpah. biasanya di yg catet order, masa pake behel brachet nya cuma satu biji, terus suka senyum lebar, mau lo apa mas gue ngeliat lo ngakak bgt😭😭
Es krim avocado nya enak, gak tll creamy ditambah pake espresso yg super pahit jadi sama sekali gak bikin enek :D dark volcano nya rasanya gak kyk dark choc gak ada pahit2nya malah kyk coklat biasa
Ron's Laboratory
Grand Indonesia, West Mall 5th Floor (Jl. M. H. Thamrin No. 1) Jakarta Pusat Jakarta10310 Indonesia