There is an underground lake with a ‘salt island’ in the middle of it. The max depth of the lake is 8m, the concentration of salt in the water is 260g/l. There are boat tours, too to try out.
It’s like a beautiful saltcastle underground. It’s just very cold, do make sure you dress warm before entering. :) Spending a couple of hours here, exploring the place is very interesting.
A distinctive undergrd journey. Tips: make sure u have cash- LEI currency NOT Euro for the boat, games + ride. If u arrived by Uber, ask 4 the Old entrance dropoff, more things to c & with a cafe 2
Tip: If u UBERed, chances r its tough 2 get one 2 head back, there is a bus no:17 that goes 2 Turda Town & Tickets can be bought at the S. Turda counter. Then catch a FANY shuttle to Cluj.(cash only)
The salt mine is a good experience if you want to escape the monotony. The prices are kinda unjustified because the fee entrance doesn’t cover the inside costs such as the little boat trip, the wheel
It's absolutely breathtaking! Charge up your camera before coming here because you'll be clicking away around every corner. And there's free Wi-Fi to upload the pics as you take them!
The mine also has an area for people with breathing difficulties, like asthma, doing exercises which are proven to be very beneficial! Not to mention how wonderful the salt mine is from the inside
I guess you can say it is salty. Take your time walking through and try not to bump into the walls. Make sure you buy a souvenir after yelling thank you!
A strange but fun touristattraction. The elevators were broke when we got there so we walked 39 flights. This wouldn't be so bad if they weren't so narrow! The boat ride in the salt pools is a must.