Stay at the Sierra Lodge. Take the time to hike Moro Rock. Crystal Cave was closed but sounds awesome. Picnic & hike in Giant Forest. Visit General Sherman & hike the congress loop!
Start with just let it come over you: the giant trees, the mountains, the snow. Visit General Sherman, climb to Moro Rock, walk to Sunset Rock, make long walks and drive through Tunnel Log.
Amazing place, but it's wilderness. Be aware that you probably won't have cell service within the park. Be safe, drive the speed limit & make sure that you have plenty of gas and adequate clothing.
One of the most incredible sights in the United States. Be sure to visit Grant Grove Village and the General Sherman tree - one of the largest on Earth.
When leaving the park toward the Ash Mt entrance (198 to 3 Rivers), put your car in 1st / L gear. You will almost never have to touch your brakes. If you want to go slow, use turnouts allow passing :)
Nearly impossible to get connected to check in ANYWHERE inside Kings Canyon or Sequoia... at least with AT&T. Best bet is to go with one of the LodgeWiFi connections, but 4SQ didn't like any check i
Lightning is common in central California where storms can start suddenly. Know what to do when it strikes with this FREE emergency guide app. Read more
Crystal Cave, Moro Rock and General Sherman are all good stops. Don't waste your time stopping at the viewpoints on the way up... too many tourists do this and it's pretty much a waste of time.