Beverages machines accept only one banknote totally(:. Better insert directly 5 or 10RMB, that will save your time by thinking what can go possibly wrong. Cheers and happy landing:)
This airport is moving out soon and the new airport is builded . New and clean yet there's free access wifi only inside the airport itself . Temperature just nice and not crowded in the afternoon .
The worst airport ever, no one waiting the cue to check in and no any staff arrange the cue. Just only the useless sign: waiting to check in outside the yellow line
Все аккумы, доп зарядки для телефонов, и подобное лучше сразу с багажа, который будете сдавать, перекладывайте в ручную кладь. Не пропустят. Меня завернули с доп аккумом в багаже для айфона.