Baggage locker: from the central entrance 1 elevator up (from ground to 1st floor), look front and right from the next elevator, there's a door to the 1st track. The lockers are in the underpass.
Station is too busy in summertime. Try to get tickets early or you'll have to pay double price for first-class. Imho the only valuable advantage you'll get there is free WiFi.
Central railway station and hub in Georgia. Also a big mall. A lot of big electronic shops, also there are LC Waikiki, Collezzione, Lotto, FA Factory. Don't miss the stand with jelly beans ;-)
Tbilisi’s main train station is the railway hub of Georgia. Trains from Tbilisi are relatively slow and infrequent but comfortable and cheap. Trains to Baku and Yerevan leave from here as well.
Free Wi-Fi can be found. Metro entrance is to the right from southern exit from the station. Bus No. 37 to the airport also stops near southern exit. Ticket office is on the last floor.
Some ticket sellers know English and are very helpful, but some don't and like most Georgians start yelling as soon as you don't get what they mean. Toilet for money. Long queues for buying ticket.
Taking the overnight train from Tbilisi to Yerevan is extremely expensive and uncomfortable even if u take first class. Be prepared to get down at the border at midnite to explain yourself too!
Nice and modern train station is not enough for comfortable ride. Platforms are in terrible conditions. Surrounding territory also needs cleanup from street sellers.
Бесплатный вай фай можно найти возле эскалаторов напротив Tbc банка. Рядом с вокзалом самый хороший курс рубля в Тбилиси. И поесть в турецкой шаурмячной за рынком можно хорошо
В центре Тбилиси, на площади Свободы №4 (рядом с Кортъярд Марриотт в арке) есть хранилище багажа. Очень удобно, потому что это самообслуживание и вы можете использовать сервис в течение 24 часов.
Никогда не ездите Тбилиси-Зугдиди на поезде, отвратительно пахнет в купе, проводники на 50-ти минутных остановках говорят, что стоим 5 минут! Нет чая, нет вагона ресторана!
Прилетел в Тбилиси в 2:00 и на такси поехал на ж.д вокзал! Время 3:00 ж.д вокзал закрыт! Стоял у входа 30 минут и потом случайно приехала пара в гостиницу, и сказали вокзал до 6:00 закрыт!ужас!
Tbilisi Central Station is a railway station located in the Georgian... capital city of Tbilisi. Originally built in 1872, Tbilisi Central Station has undergone various architectural transformations, and currently serves as a combined railway station and shopping mall.(Show more)