they racist or you have Thai license or not i had to pay 250 bath more then my Thai wife i live in Thailand 10 years and because iam white i have to pay 250 bath more? insane i showed license thai.
Море няшных медведей! Приходить лучше за 2 часа до закрытия (около 20:00) -в это время никого нет, можно натискать и сфотографироваться со всеми Тедди. Билет стоит 500 бат на взрослого и он того стоит
«Teddy Island» Pattaya or «Teddy Bear Museum» is a museum dedicated... to Teddy Bear in Pattaya. Museums dedicated to famous Teddy Bears in the world. We exhibited an interesting composition of the toys, exclusive models and original works.(Show more)