You can almost find anything you are looking for with a cheap price. It has a great atmosphere specially for photographers and it has some of the best Persian restaurants of Iran.
a legacy from safavid period (19th century). Since it's still an important place for commerce, tehran grand bazaar is always crowded. Also you can find many good persian restaurants there
Always very crowded, but do not afraid.. it worth visiting.. Every time you can discover a new place. Moslem and sharafoleslam are the best restaurants. For cloths and shoes Bazar reza is better.
Wonderful place, old passages, a gathering of most businesses, crowdedrestaurants with delicious Persian cuisine; despite recent renovation, the neighborhood is not wellorganized and clean.
Again my favorite grand bazar🤗 but it was almost closed. today was 4th of Farvardin on new year holidays all of popular restaurants except Moslem restaurant were closed