Turn off your cell phone and read the big info cards to learn about this battle and the historic site's past. Walk the grounds for more info and look in the aqueduct for giant fish!
An tremendous historical site. It lives up to its reputation. There a lot of history here and they mostly tell it accurately and fairly. The jingoism is only on the souvenirs. Well mostly.
Great for the city history background. You may spend 2 hrs top in a calmed and easy tour on your own. Entrance is free. Audio tours for 10 usd, I think.
Must see. Lots of good historical information and artifacts. There is no charge to enter. Currently under some renovations so some of the items in the shrine have been moved out for the duration.
The audio tour is the only group allowed into the museum in the back. Worth the $7. Re-enactments are paused due to covid but they do have people in costume around the grounds giving small talks.
Another wonderful site downtown. It's fun to just get a shake from Hagen Daz then find a shady spot to watch all the tourists taking pictures. Makes me remember what a special place it really is...
Here, Mexico fought for its independence and perhaps most famously, a small group of Texans held out for 13 days in a 1836 battle in their fight for freedom. Just don't ask to see the basement. Read more
Wow! To be standing on historic grounds. It’s a small building but worth the visit. Don’t let the line scare you it moves very fast. Oh you can’t take pictures inside. But still an awesome experience
There used to be a lot more reverence for what this place actually was. Now they take pictures at the entrance like you're at a theme park and it's nosy. The new exhibits and the grounds are great.
i didn't do the tour; it's free to go in and walk around. reading the memorials brought a tear to my eye. if i have a tip for you, it's to go during the week. staff said weekends bring heavy traffic
We love our city, and the Alamo is such a central part of who we are. No trip to SA is complete without a visit to this iconic location. -Piatti at the Quarry and Eilan
Closes at 530 so get there earlier than that. Parking is very limited with high volumes of both vehicle and foot traffic. Visit the other 4 missions in San Antonio for a real historical tour.
Okay, leave preconceived notions at home about the Alamo as it undoubtedly will not be like you saw in a John Wayne movie, But, try looking at the small exhibits and diagrams and let your mind reenact
Fun with the family. U can get a carriage ride right outside of it. If u can get a good deal with the drivers, got a 30min ride for 6 people for 80 bucks
I come here everytime I'm in San Antonio. I may not go inside, but I go and pay my respects to the brave men who gave their life here. There's always a USAF BMT grad around you can thank too!
Show respect to those who died here when you come. It is a place we should all see as a place of inspiration! It defines us Texans and all we stand for! Remember!
More than 2.5 million people a year visit the 4.2 acre complex known worldwide as "The Alamo." For over 300 years, the Alamo has been a crossroads for Texas history. Read more
If you are in San Antonio, you should definitely wake up early to get some history in! There is so much to benefit in learning about our Nations cities, and the effort it took to become independent.
In addition to seeing the Alamo, there are numerous other attractions on the Plaza! just relax in the shade, enjoy a sno cone and people watch! Count how many photos get taken in front of the Alamo
While you’re here, pick up an authentic Davey Crockett-style coonskin cap! The kids will have a blast and learn about the brave men who fought to defend its walls. -Casandra Read more
In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Miles O'Brian and Julian Bashir enjoy recreating the Battle of The Alamo in the Holosuite. O'Brien even built a scale model of the mission. Read more
The shrine is consecrated to the memory of those who died at the Alamo. Do turn off your cell phone and observe a respectful silence while inside the shrine. Also, no photography is allowed.