The beach is crowded with day trippers. If you want to swim in the sea, do it before the first speedboat (9:30). Use great infinity pool and try to get villa with a private pool (more $$$)
Because I'm interested and i will only walk in and look around,this fucking brainless security are talk in rude to the customers who walk into the area.We not using your resort facilities!Bullshit!
가족끼리 머물기 프라이빗하고 편안&조용한 리조트.스텝 친절. 얼스카페, 씨푸드 다이닝 유러피안 레스토랑,퓨전타이 레스토랑,젤라또샵..색다르거나 인상적인 음식들은 아니지만 서비스 좋고 메뉴들도 모두 먹을만함..빌라,스파&기념품샵 시설은 오래된듯 하지만 깔끔하게 잘관리됨.주변 내츄럴한 큰 도마뱀과 각종 새들,개미& 거미친구들 많음.전반적으로 만족.
An expansive white-sand crescent bay with azure waters creates... the postcard-perfect backdrop for the five-star luxury island resort, The Racha.(Show more)