What a boring place, there toy collection is rarely updated, plus it's small and limited according to Toys R Us standards worldwide, but locally it's the best available.
They should NOT have shopping cart. My advice tell kids you can take whatever you can carry. You say sha6reen only one toy or two each they don't even listen 🏃
Disappointed in the display, can you imagine going there & not buy anything. Should make more efforts in organising the place and making a more enjoyable display, maybe get bigger place & better staff
زحمة التغليف تعطلك..و تطلب ورق تغليف عشان تغلف هديتك انت في البيت من باب اختصار الوقت لك و لهم .. و يرفضون. .طيب الهديه توي شاريتها منكم ..يقولك ممنوع..على اساس البلد ماشيه بالأنظمة..غباء!!