Trump® International Hotel Waikiki (duplicate of
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By far my favorite place to stay in Waikiki or Hawaii for that matter. If you can get by the $1,000 a night it's worth it. That comes with a view of ocean and a stone throw from the ocean.
Great location, surrounded by great restaurants and at 1 block from the beach. The room we stayed had a great kitchen. The crew was always super helpful. The pool is a little small though.
This hotel and private residences can't be beat for five star service, luxury accommodations and convenience with great restaurants, Spa and Fitness center on site- why leave ? ;)
If you are stay on a Saturday, get a high room facing west towards the Hilton. At 7:45pm you will have the perfect view of fireworks from your lanai :)
Best view in area, suite 1/3 cheaper than Ritz but services way more better. $150 credit everyday you can spend on room service which is more than enough for 2 families with kids, strongly recommended
Great mai tais at the bar. Very nice rooms and excellent service. Super quiet, so if activities/nightlife are your thing, look elsewhere. Seems mainly a place for Japanese tourists coming to shop.
This hotel is a luxurious and aloha filled home away from home for us. The Spa is transcendent and the service is the epitome of "fine." There is a hosted event there regularly called LUX at The TRUMP
Trump WaikikiThe Trump Waikiki Ultimate Jet Deal!from $350* per night (Stay May, September, October)*Rates starting from $350per night for a One BR Suite* Subject to Availability | Book by 5/2 Read more
오아후섬에서 객실내부가 가장 좋은곳일거다. 스튜디오 타입을 제외한 1,2 or more 베드룸수잇엔 냉장고 주방 각종 식기류 세탁기 건조기등이 구비되어 있다. 지은지 오래되지 않아 깔끔하기도 한데 문제는 수영장. 수영하긴 너무좁고 어른들의 선탠휴식장이라 보면된다. 비치간다고 하면 컨시어지에서 큰비치타월 사과 물 썬블락이 든 가방을 횟수제한없이 무료로준다.
비치와 불과 2분거리에 위치하고 있으며 쇼핑몰과도 매우 가깝다 트롤리 스테이션도 바로 앞에 있어 교통도 편리하다 또한 리조트형식의 호텔이 아니기 때문에 쓸데없이 1박당 리조트피 30불은 낼 필요가 없어서 가격적인면과 시설면에서 어느호텔과 견주어도 뒤지지 않는다 룸안에 주방시설과 렌지등이 갖춰져있어 가족단위 여행객들에게도 좋을거 같다^^
The room that has 2 bed rooms and a kitchen is spacy and comfortable !! All kitchen equipments, huge fridge, washing machine are in the room. 寝室が2つとキッチン付きの部屋は広くて快適!キッチン用品一通り、大型冷蔵庫、洗濯機も揃ってます。
Discover the premier address in Waikiki. Trump International... Hotel Waikiki is located less than a two-minute walk away from Waikiki Beach and is located in the heart of Waikiki's vibrant entertainment scene, exclusive boutiques and world-class restaurants...(Show more)
Places inside Trump® International Hotel Waikiki (duplicate of
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