No pictures inside (security guards will stop you)... but free and very informative tour through the facility!!! Lots of historical artifacts and stories and views of the live coin productionline !!
The mint really knows how to make money — up to 50 million coins every day! The tour won’t cost you a dime, though, and will show you how dull metal is transformed into glittering pocket change.
*CAUTION* You WILL be turned away if you walk up w/o a reservation! No more stand by, walk ins, walk ups, etc. Nada! Nein. No. Make a reservation EARLY EARLY EARLY in advance otherwise you're S.O.L.
Security was super tight. Kinda killed the fun of the tour. They won't let you in if you aren't 20-30 before your tour. They freak out about purses. But strangely cameras are ok if you don't use them
Make reservations early; they open dates about 2 months ahead. Heed the "do not bring" list. Gift shop will hold your purchase until you've finished the tour.
Must have confirmation number. Must have confirmation number. Must have confirmation number. Must have confirmation number. Must have confirmation number.
Originally opened in the mid-1800s to change gold and silver found by miners. Not until 1906 that the Denver facility began actually mintingcoins after being an Assay Office for the interim years.
Opened in the mid-1800s as an Assay Office to change gold and silver found by miners. It wasn't until 1906 that the Denver facility began actually mintingcoinsRead more