The only building on campus named for two people: William Wurster, first dean of the college, and his wife, Catherine Bauer Wurster, a City and Regional Planning professor and public housing leader.
for those of you who are bold and lean enough, try squeezing out of the studio windows onto he sunshades at night. They're a great place to de-stress. make sure not to fall off though...
Go to the top floors for a fantastic view of the Bay Area and you can even spy on the hard-working architecture students who will be there through the night
Worst food on campus I had so far... Their hot food is just not on par and I caught one of the workers wearing his apron in the bathroom... which is a major health code violation (at least in WA).
For alums and friends of the University of California, Berkeley,... the nation’s preeminent public research university. A wellspring of innovation, the school occupies a 1,232-acre campus near downtown Berkeley. UC Berkeley was established in 1868 as the flagship of today’s 10-campus University of California.
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