Books written in English! Take a left after security and walk for a minute. You'll see a jewelry store and Samsonite store on your left. The book stand is behind them, English section on the right.
Relatively small airport, in the centre of the city, which is even closer to the city than Xiamen North Railway Station if you take the hi-speed train here.
One luggage check in per person. You can have two luggage packed into one at the packaging area as long aa it doesnt exceed 23kg. When u get there haggle for 15rmb instead of the usual 50rmb. Its safe
Free wifi if you use cmcc. Connect to CMCC-xmairport-free. Input your mobile number and a password will be sent to you by text message. Faster than the xm-airport-free wifi
Most painful Covid-19 test i’ve taken so far. After immigration, you’ll be transported to some building for another process. After that, you are taken to the hotel downtown. Fukin tedious!!!
If you're at the departure area but find that KFC is full, just take the escalator/elevator down to the arrival area's KFC, there will probably be more space there.
Poor quality drinks at high prices. It's so easy to set up a good quality coffee shop with some trainedstaff and have a pricing point where people don't mind paying a little extra. Not 58 RMB!
Free wifi at Ishijah Coffee, but don't go there. At 58 RMB for a latte you'll have to remortgage the house just to get your dose of caffeine. That price would be ridiculous in London, let alone Xiamen