I like the location in Lincoln Pk much better. Its much friendlier and food and drinks are better prepared. I had the worse tasting sangria ever at this wabash location, it gave me worse migraine.
Quiet day but chefs rushed. Pasta was undercooked. Not nice. The chick who cooked mine had disgusting attitude. Next time maybe mix the fucking pasta sauce in properly.
System sucks. Ordered pizza, thirty minutes later went to check why I hadn't been buzzed yet, "someone took your pizza"... So be warned that the customer has to make sure you get your food.
Помимо того, что очень вкусно, можно смотреть как готовят твоё блюдо. Например, если заказываешь пасту, то при вас вскрывают индивидуальную пачку макарон и тут же варят. Лайк ❤️
Di italiano ci sono solo i nomi dei piatti. Abbiamo trovato una chewingum sul piatto attaccata sotto la pizza. La pasta alla crema di funghi era annacquata.