Danishmuseum for ships, seafaring and boatbuilding culture in ancient and medieval times. This is a great place to begin, or to continue to learn about the Vikings.
Definitely one of the "must see" sights in Roskilde, with something for everyone. For starters, reserve a ticket on one of the Viking Ship sailingtours when checking in - a little extra expenditure,
30 min walk away from train station, next to sea, with amazing ships to visit. Gift shop is awesome with affordable prices. Staff is very kind and welcoming. 14 min video is available for the ships.
You can jump aboard one of the larger ships. No sailing in October. Be sure to watch the film, well worth it for the explanation. Copenhagen Card a no go here.
The subject matter is interesting. The ship displays are good but I did not find the rest of the exhibits very well thought out or creatively displayed. Needs updating.
Nice and kind staffers. go for the Viking ship ride, quite amusing. Lot of junk food in the cafeteria, also a restaurant (which I didn't try). While sailing, look for a zillion jellyfishes,
Приятное место, особенно если повезёт успеть на морскую прогулку на парусном кече. Очень много воркшопов для детей: пилить, строгать, рисовать, играть, плести канаты и шить паруса))
Интересное место для поездки с детьми. Музей кораблестроения нас не впечатлил. Другое дело попробовать освоить ремесла викингов или поплавать на их лодках. Уютноекафе с вкусной едой.
Burada viking gemileri müthiş çocukla süper vakit geçirilir tahtalardan gemi yapıp viking gemileri ile kürek çekebilirsiniz ve vikinglerin ayasofyaya gelip iz bıraktıklarını düşününce şaşıracaksınız
Oplev vikingernes skibe, vikingetiden og livet til søs. Se de... fem originale vikingeskibe fra 1000-tallet og Havhingsten, verdens største rekonstruktion af et vikingeskib. Film om skibenes historie og Havhingstens rejse til Dublin. Gratis rundvisning på dansk og engelsk...(Show more)