Vinil’s Liked Places
China-Wok Imbiss is one of Vinil’s Liked Places.

1. China-Wok Imbiss

Lothorstr. 15, Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg
Chinese Restaurant · 5 tips and reviews

Vinil R.Vinil Reddy: Delicious soup and nice Chinese noodles

Paco Meralgo is one of Vinil’s Liked Places.

2. Paco Meralgo

Carrer de Muntaner, 171, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 245 tips and reviews

Vinil R.Vinil Reddy: Patatas bravas, cod fritters & deep-fried mashed cuttlefish. They're so nice and would refer to visit again. Unfortunately paella is available only for lunch.