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- Opens till 11 PM. Love their return policy - 90 days for most items. Electronics is 14 day
- One stop shop! Negative: you go for one item, come out with the store!
- Christmas is coming. I highly recommend to go to another Walmart like Langley or south surrey. Too many people again...
- Eugenia YYJuly 24, 2013Rude greeting lady Stopped me from leaving. Bought 3 items tent, gazebo & toothpaste Takes her sweet time looking at my receipt when theres only 3 items & said not to grab the receipt when she is done
- Mitch DeppenNovember 7, 2011You're right, too busy. 2 checkouts in the express lane and 40+ people lined up. And some one tried to budge in front of me and called me a racist. No lady, you're the racist.
- Too many people better off going to the one on 24th ave