My husband and i find unique home items at Film Biz Recycling. It’s a great nonprofit that sells reclaimed movie props. You might end up with a desk Al Pacino sat at in his last film.
This place is the best. They have a constantly changing collection of furniture, props, set pieces, and weird odds and ends. The employees are extremely helpful and friendly!
Spend some time going through film and TV props at their amazing new space! Owner Eva Radke will be happy to tell you where everything came from and make you a deal.
Such a great resource for filmmakers! So affordable, and student-friendly. Helpful employees are super nice and rental/sale prices are very reasonable.
Film Biz Recycling is an ethical & sustainable shop participating in Shop Your Values Week! Pledge now and receive discounts at 200+ businesses in NYC from May 3-10, 2012. #SYVW Read more