If you have time, upon arrival, go down to the middle level between the parkinggarage and terminals- they have a grid of round lighting in the ceiling that follows above as you walk. Really fun :)
Chose Uber.com Black Car Service and add Devin Hunter as you favorite driver. He will arrive in a 13 Chrysler 300S and he is able to play your favorite station on SiriusXM. Uber it instead of a taxi!
The King David hot dog place in concourse B TOTALLY makes it worth flying into this airport. If you don't order one of their dogs you're truly missing out.
The 'Expert Traveller'/Premier Line is almost always longer than the regular security line. Don't be a status snob, just get in the regular line and you'll get thru security twice as fast!
Pre Approved TSA approved? Head to Concourse A for hassle free (no taking off shoes, no taking out laptop!) security. If not - Head to Concourse B and go thru the expert traveler lane.
I've heard that this airport is better than the old one, and I would have to agree. I like it. Security check wasn't bad and the bathroom sinks were weird. big #clean #spoiled #bodyscanners
Please check to make sure you seat belt is securely fastened. Your seat back and tray table are in the full upright and locked position & all carry-on luggage is placed completely underneath the seat.