Sculpture Garden · Běixīn qiáo · 25 tips and reviews
Kari 凯瑞: Good fun for family activity during summer. The park is filled with art , fountains and flowers. During the winter just go to Located to natural history museum that is located next to the park.
Kari 凯瑞: Wonderful architectural building - 2 Nd tallest building in the world (after burj khalifa in Dubai). They have improved the accessibility with taxi
Lane 281, Maoming bei Lu, No 16, Bldg F, Room 204 (Nanjing road West), 上海市, 上海市
Xinjiang Restaurant · Jìng'an · 2 tips and reviews
Kari 凯瑞: Huge thanks for the Xibo team of making the night success. The waiter was nice to organize us a table from other branch as the original location was full.
Kari 凯瑞: Waited 1.5 hours - worth every minute(take a number and walk next to forbidden city). Must order Beijing Duck - as to be seated next to the oven to see better.
Buddhist Temple · Běixīn qiáo · 73 tips and reviews
Kari 凯瑞: Lama Buddha temple originated from Tibet now standing In Beijing. Massive Buddha statue made from Sandalwood (250m ) - quiet place to pray and relax