I hate that we have to get there 2 hours before takeoff for domestic travel - security needs to continue to improve their flow/experience to reduce that timeline. The airport could have been cleaner!
Get here early. Airport security is a madhouse, with passengers that don't understand how to line up, and TSA agents that don't understand how to keep traffic flowing.
This airport security line is always unorganized! You would think with this being a big tourist destination security would be more organized but think again! Get here early for sure!
Get there early! Security lines are ALWAYS long, no matter time of day/night. Also, if you have a questionable [arab] name, prepare to be 'randomly selected' for search. I always am.
Security lines can be brutal at MCO. Be sure to allow plenty of time and bring your patience. You WILL see strollers in the expert traveler line in Orlando.
The construction is a nightmare. You can’t move with your bags. TSA lines were so long. They are under staffed. Thank goodness for TSA Pre ✅. Once your thought the airport is fine.