UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe
Wieża Ratuszowa is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

1. Wieża Ratuszowa

Rynek Główny 1, Kraków, Województwo małopolskie
Historic and Protected Site · Stare Miasto · 14 tips and reviews

Stepan C.Stepan Chizhov: Cracow's Historic Centre is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Old Town is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

2. Old Town

(Stare Miasto)
Warszawa, Województwo mazowieckie
Neighborhood · 132 tips and reviews

Stepan C.Stepan Chizhov: Historic Centre of Warsaw is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

3. Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau

(Miejsce Pamięci i Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau)
Więźniów Oświęcimia 20, Oświęcim, Województwo małopolskie
History Museum · 187 tips and reviews

Stepan C.Stepan Chizhov: The former concentration and extermination camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Wieliczka Salt Mine is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

4. Wieliczka Salt Mine

(Kopalnia Soli Wieliczka)
Jana Mikołaja Daniłowicza 10, Wieliczka, Województwo małopolskie
History Museum · 261 tips and reviews

Stepan C.Stepan Chizhov: Wieliczka Salt Mine is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Belovezhskaya Pushcha | Białowieża Forest is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

5. Belovezhskaya Pushcha | Białowieża Forest

(Puszcza Białowieska)
Nadleśnictwo Zwierzynieckie, Białowieża, Województwo podlaskie
Forest · 8 tips and reviews

Stepan C.Stepan Chizhov: Belovezhskaya Pushcha / Białowieża Forest is a UNESCO World Heritage Site spread over two countries - Poland and Belarus

Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

6. Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park

(Нацыянальны парк Белавежская пушча)
Брэсцкая вобл.
National Park · 44 tips and reviews

Stepan C.Stepan Chizhov: Belovezhskaya Pushcha / Białowieża Forest is a UNESCO World Heritage Site spread over two countries - Poland and Belarus

St. Nikola and St. Pantaleymon Boyana Church is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

7. St. Nikola and St. Pantaleymon Boyana Church

(Боянска църква „Св. св. Никола и Пантелеймон“)
кв. Бояна, София, София-град
Church · Бояна · 26 tips and reviews

Stepan C.Stepan Chizhov: That medieval Bulgarian Orthodox church is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Madara horseman is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

8. Madara horseman

(Мадарски конник)
Мадара, Шумен
Monument · 15 tips and reviews

Stepan C.Stepan Chizhov: Madara Rider or Madara Horseman is an early medieval large rock relief acknowleged as a UNESCO World Heritage Site

The Thracian Tomb at Kazanlak is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

9. The Thracian Tomb at Kazanlak

(Тракийска Казанлъшка Гробница)
Kazanlak, Stara Zagora Province
Historic and Protected Site · 4 tips and reviews

Stepan C.Stepan Chizhov: That's a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Rock-Hewn Churches of Ivanovo is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

10. Rock-Hewn Churches of Ivanovo

(Ивановски скални църкви)
Иваново, Русе
Historic and Protected Site · 4 tips and reviews

Stepan C.Stepan Chizhov: Monastery is one of the group of monolithic churches, chapels and monasteries hewn out of solid rock. UNESCO World Heritage Site

11. Palace Square

(Дворцовая площадь)
Дворцовая пл. (Невский просп.), Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Plaza · Исторический центр · 519 tips and reviews

Stepan C.Stepan Chizhov: The whole historic center of Saint-Petersburg is a UNESCO World Heritage Site along with some of suburbs

Kizhi Open-Air Museum is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

12. Kizhi Open-Air Museum

(Музей-заповедник «Кижи»)
о. Кижи, Кижи, Карелия
History Museum · 16 tips and reviews

Stepan C.Stepan Chizhov: Kizhi Pogost is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

The Kremlin is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

13. The Kremlin

Красная пл., Москва, Москва
Government Building · Красная площадь · 226 tips and reviews

Stepan C.Stepan Chizhov: The Kremlin and Red Square together are the UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Novgorod Kremlin is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

14. Novgorod Kremlin

(Новгородский детинец (кремль))
пл. Кремля, 1, Великий Новгород, Новгородская обл.
Historic and Protected Site · 127 tips and reviews

Stepan C.Stepan Chizhov: Historic Monuments of Novgorod and Surroundings are the UNESCO World Heritage Site

The Old Town of Nessebar is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

15. The Old Town of Nessebar

(Стария Несебър)
Несебър, Бургас
Neighborhood · 106 tips and reviews
Chersonesus is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

16. Chersonesus

(Херсонес Таврійський)
Древняя ул., 1, Севастополь, Севастополь
Historic and Protected Site · 115 tips and reviews
The Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

17. The Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra

(Троице-Сергиева лавра)
просп. Красной Армии, Сергиев Посад, Московская обл.
Monastery · 155 tips and reviews
Несвижский замок is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

18. Несвижский замок

Ленинская ул., 19, Нясвіж, Мiнская вобл.
Castle · 147 tips and reviews
Radničné námestie is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

19. Radničné námestie

Radničné nám., Bardejov, Prešovský kraj
Plaza · 6 tips and reviews
Andrássy út is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

20. Andrássy út

Andrássy út, Budapest, Budapest
Road · Andrássy út · 32 tips and reviews
Buda Castle is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

21. Buda Castle

(Budavári Palota)
Budai Vár, Budapest, Budapest
Castle · Budavári Palota · 231 tips and reviews
Duna-part is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

22. Duna-part

Széchenyi István tér (Lánchíd pesti hídfő), Budapest XIII. kerülete, Budapest
Waterfront · 22 tips and reviews
The Malbork Castle is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

23. The Malbork Castle

(Zamek w Malborku)
Starościńska 1, Malbork, Województwo pomorskie
Castle · 74 tips and reviews
Gombasecká Jaskyňa is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

24. Gombasecká Jaskyňa

Slavec, Košický kraj
Cave · 1 tip
Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

25. Dobšinská ľadová jaskyňa

Stratená, Stratená, Košický kraj
Cave · 9 tips and reviews
Ochtinská aragonitová jaskyňa is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

26. Ochtinská aragonitová jaskyňa

Ochtiná, Košický kraj
Cave · 3 tips and reviews
Jasovská jaskyňa is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

27. Jasovská jaskyňa

Jasov, Košický kraj
Cave · 2 tips and reviews

28. Centennial Hall

(Hala Stulecia)
ul. Wystawowa 1, Wrocław, Województwo dolnośląskie
Concert Hall · 29 tips and reviews

29. Храм Вознесения Господня

Музей-заповедник «Коломенское», Москва, Москва
Church · Нагатинский затон · 8 tips and reviews
Biserica Arbore is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

30. Biserica Arbore

Arbore, Suceava
Church · 1 tip
Biserica Mânăstirii Humorului is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

31. Biserica Mânăstirii Humorului

Mănăstirea Humorului, Mănăstirea Humorului, Suceava
Church · 4 tips and reviews
Biserica Mânăstirii Moldovița is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

32. Biserica Mânăstirii Moldovița

DN17A, Vatra Moldoviței, Suceava
Church · 3 tips and reviews
Biserica Sf Cruce is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

33. Biserica Sf Cruce

Church · No tips or reviews

34. Mănăstirea Probota | Probota Monastery

Probota, Suceava
Church · No tips or reviews
Manastirea "Sf. Ioan cel Nou de la Suceava" is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

35. Manastirea "Sf. Ioan cel Nou de la Suceava"

Strada Mitropoliei, Suceava, Suceava
Church · 1 tip
Mănăstirea Sucevița is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

36. Mănăstirea Sucevița

Sucevița, Sucevița, Suceava
Historic and Protected Site · 5 tips and reviews
Kościół Pokoju | Friedenskirche is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

37. Kościół Pokoju | Friedenskirche

Pokoju 6, Świdnica, Województwo dolnośląskie
Church · 10 tips and reviews
Kościół Pokoju is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

38. Kościół Pokoju

Jawor, Województwo dolnośląskie
Church · 5 tips and reviews
Rynek Główny is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

39. Rynek Główny

Rynek Główny, Kraków, Województwo małopolskie
Plaza · Stare Miasto · 248 tips and reviews
Спасо-Преображенский Соловецкий монастырь is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

40. Спасо-Преображенский Соловецкий монастырь

Северная ул., Соловецкий, Архангельская обл.
Monastery · 6 tips and reviews
Curonian Spit is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

41. Curonian Spit

(Куршская коса)
Куршская коса, Зеленоградск, Калининградская обл.
National Park · 103 tips and reviews
Sarmizegetusa Regia is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

42. Sarmizegetusa Regia

Grădiștea de Munte, Hunedoara
Historic and Protected Site · 4 tips and reviews
Cetatea Dacică Costești-Cetățuie is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

43. Cetatea Dacică Costești-Cetățuie

Costești, Hunedoara
Historic and Protected Site · No tips or reviews
Cetatea Dacică Piatra Roșie is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

44. Cetatea Dacică Piatra Roșie

Lungani, jud. Hunedoara, România
Historic and Protected Site · No tips or reviews
Delta Dunării / Danube Delta is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

45. Delta Dunării / Danube Delta

Delta Dunării, Crișan, Tulcea
Nature Preserve · 4 tips and reviews
Ókeresztény Mauzóleum is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

46. Ókeresztény Mauzóleum

Szent István tér 12., Pécs, Baranya megye
Historic and Protected Site · 2 tips and reviews
Fertő-Hanság National Park is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

47. Fertő-Hanság National Park

(Nationalpark Neusiedlersee)
Other Great Outdoors · 1 tip
Podzámecká zahrada is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

48. Podzámecká zahrada

Kroměříž, Zlínský
Park · 11 tips and reviews
Kazan Kremlin is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

49. Kazan Kremlin

(Казанский кремль)
Кремлёвская ул., Казань, Татарстан
Historic and Protected Site · 219 tips and reviews
Peter and Paul Fortress is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

50. Peter and Paul Fortress

(Петропавловская крепость)
Заячий о., Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Historic and Protected Site · Округ Кронверкское · 426 tips and reviews
Winter Palace is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

51. Winter Palace

(Зимний дворец)
Дворцовая наб., 34, Санкт-Петербург, Санкт-Петербург
Palace · Исторический центр · 58 tips and reviews
Казанский собор is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

52. Казанский собор

Первомайская ул., 19а, Ярославль, Ярославская обл.
Church · 2 tips and reviews
Спасо-Преображенский монастырь is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

53. Спасо-Преображенский монастырь

пл. Богоявления, 25 (Которосльная наб.), Ярославль, Ярославская обл.
Monastery · 68 tips and reviews
Český Krumlov Castle is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

54. Český Krumlov Castle

(Státní hrad a zámek Český Krumlov)
Hradní 184, Český Krumlov, Jihočeský
Palace · 84 tips and reviews
Prague is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

55. Prague

Hlavní město Praha
City · 195 tips and reviews
Sighișoara is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

56. Sighișoara

City · 30 tips and reviews
Telč is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

57. Telč

Telč, Kraj Vysočina
Town · 9 tips and reviews
Banská Štiavnica is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

58. Banská Štiavnica

City · 7 tips and reviews
Holašovice is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

59. Holašovice

Holašovice, Jihočeský
Village · 10 tips and reviews
The Holy Trinity Column is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

60. The Holy Trinity Column

(Sloup Nejsvětější Trojice)
Horní náměstí, Olomouc, Olomoucký
Monument · 6 tips and reviews
Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

61. Hortobágyi Nemzeti Park

National Park · 1 tip
Bazilika sv. Prokopa | St. Procopius Basilica is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

62. Bazilika sv. Prokopa | St. Procopius Basilica

Zámek 1, Třebíč, Kraj Vysočina
Church · 7 tips and reviews
Jewish Quarter is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

63. Jewish Quarter

(Židovská čtvrť)
Třebíč, Kraj Vysočina
Historic and Protected Site · 4 tips and reviews
Kalwaria Zebrzydowska is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

64. Kalwaria Zebrzydowska

Województwo małopolskie
City · 1 tip
St. Sophia Cathedral is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

65. St. Sophia Cathedral

(Софійський собор)
вул. Володимирська, 24, Київ, м. Київ
Church · Старе місто · 76 tips and reviews
Red Square is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

66. Red Square

(Красная площадь)
Красная пл., Москва, Москва
Plaza · Красная площадь · 918 tips and reviews
Sedlec Ossuary is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

67. Sedlec Ossuary

Zámecká 127, Sedlec, Středočeský
Museum · 94 tips and reviews
Zámek Valtice is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

69. Zámek Valtice

Zámek 1, Valtice, Jihomoravský
Palace · 24 tips and reviews
Lednice Chateau is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

70. Lednice Chateau

(Zámek Lednice)
Zámek 1, Lednice, Jihomoravský
Palace · 44 tips and reviews
Levoča is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

71. Levoča

Prešovský kraj
City · 9 tips and reviews
Spišský hrad is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

72. Spišský hrad

Žehra, Žehra, Prešovský kraj
Castle · 25 tips and reviews
Spišská Kapitula is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

73. Spišská Kapitula

Spišské Podhradie, Prešovský kraj
Neighborhood · 2 tips and reviews
Kostol Ducha svätého is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

74. Kostol Ducha svätého

Žehra, Žehra, Prešovský kraj
Church · 1 tip
Spišské Podhradie is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

75. Spišské Podhradie

Prešovský kraj
City · 1 tip
Bazilika sv. Jakuba is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

76. Bazilika sv. Jakuba

Nám. Majstra Pavla 53, Levoča, Prešovský kraj
Church · 1 tip
Lviv is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

77. Lviv

Львівська обл.
City · 210 tips and reviews
Toruńska Starówka | Toruń Old Town is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

78. Toruńska Starówka | Toruń Old Town

Toruń, Województwo kujawsko-pomorskie
Neighborhood · 23 tips and reviews
Pannonhalma Archabbey is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

79. Pannonhalma Archabbey

(Pannonhalmi Bencés Főapátság)
Vár u. 1 ., Pannonhalma, Győr-Moson-Sopron megye
Church · 4 tips and reviews
Mir Castle is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

80. Mir Castle

(Мірскі замак / Mir Castle)
Красноармейская ул., 2, Мір, Гродзенская вобл.
Castle · 114 tips and reviews
Mânăstirea Horezu / Hurezi is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

81. Mânăstirea Horezu / Hurezi

DC147, Horezu, Vâlcea
Monastery · No tips or reviews
Muskauer Park | Park Mużakowski | Fürst-Pückler-Park is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

82. Muskauer Park | Park Mużakowski | Fürst-Pückler-Park

20151201, Bad Muskau, Sachsen
Park · 6 tips and reviews
Zamość is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

83. Zamość

Województwo lubelskie
City · 5 tips and reviews
Hollókő is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

84. Hollókő

Hollókő, Nógrád megye
Village · 2 tips and reviews
Poutní kostel sv. Jana Nepomuckého na Zelené hoře is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

85. Poutní kostel sv. Jana Nepomuckého na Zelené hoře

Zelená Hora, Žďár nad Sázavou, Kraj Vysočina
Church · 15 tips and reviews
Poloniny National Park is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

87. Poloniny National Park

(Národný park Poloniny)
3886, Prešovský kraj
National Park · 1 tip
Chernivtsi National University is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

90. Chernivtsi National University

(Чернівецький національний університет ім. Юрія Федьковича)
вул. Коцюбинського, 2, Чернівці, Чернівецька обл.
University · 146 tips and reviews
Rila Monastery is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

91. Rila Monastery

(Рилски манастир)
Рила, Кюстендил
Monastery · 37 tips and reviews
Резерват Сребърна (Srebarna Nature Reserve) is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

92. Резерват Сребърна (Srebarna Nature Reserve)

Сребърна, Силистра
Nature Preserve · 1 tip
Rudi Geodetic Point is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

93. Rudi Geodetic Point

(Punctul Geodezic Rudi)
Rudi, Raionul Soroca
Monument · 1 tip
Пункт геодезичної дуги Струве «Фельштин» is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

94. Пункт геодезичної дуги Струве «Фельштин»

Hvardiys’ke, Crimea
Monument · Хмельницький р-н · No tips or reviews
Дуга Струве is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

95. Дуга Струве

Одеська обл.
Monument · No tips or reviews
Памятный знак - пункт Дуги Струве is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

97. Памятный знак - пункт Дуги Струве

Osovnitsa, Брэсцкая вобл.
Monument · 1 tip
Памятный знак - пункт Дуги Струве is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

98. Памятный знак - пункт Дуги Струве

Shchekotsk, Брэсцкая вобл.
Monument · No tips or reviews
Памятный знак - пункт Дуги Струве is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

99. Памятный знак - пункт Дуги Струве

Liaskavichy, Брэсцкая вобл.
Monument · No tips or reviews
The Thracian Royal Tombs (UNESCO) is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

100. The Thracian Royal Tombs (UNESCO)

Свещари, Разград
Historic and Protected Site · 1 tip
Disznókő is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

101. Disznókő

Winery · 3 tips and reviews
Vila Tugendhat is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

102. Vila Tugendhat

Černopolní 45, Brno, Jihomoravský
Structure · Černá Pole · 45 tips and reviews
Biserica fortificată Dârjiu is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

103. Biserica fortificată Dârjiu

Road 133, Dârjiu, Harghita
Church · No tips or reviews
Cetatea Câlnic is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

104. Cetatea Câlnic

Road 106F, Câlnic, Alba
Historic and Protected Site · 2 tips and reviews
Biserica Fortificată Prejmer is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

105. Biserica Fortificată Prejmer

Prejmer, Prejmer, Brașov
Church · 3 tips and reviews
Biserica fortificată Saschiz is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

106. Biserica fortificată Saschiz

DJ53B, Saschiz, Mureș
Church · 3 tips and reviews
Biserica Fortificata Valea Viilor is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

107. Biserica Fortificata Valea Viilor

DJ142G, Valea Viilor, Sibiu
Church · 1 tip
Biserica Evanghelică Fortificată Viscri is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

108. Biserica Evanghelică Fortificată Viscri

DJ104L, Viscri, Județul Brașov
Historic and Protected Site · 10 tips and reviews

110. Yugyd Va National Park

(Национальный Парк Югыд Ва)
National Park · No tips or reviews
Vlkolínec is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

111. Vlkolínec

Vlkolínec, Žilinský kraj
Village · 8 tips and reviews
Сочинский национальный парк is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

112. Сочинский национальный парк

Сочи, Краснодарский край
National Park · 2 tips and reviews
Суздальский кремль is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

113. Суздальский кремль

Кремлевская ул., 20, Суздаль, Владимирская обл.
Historic and Protected Site · 59 tips and reviews
Соборная площадь is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

114. Соборная площадь

Соборная пл., Владимир, Владимирская обл.
Plaza · 37 tips and reviews
Kopalnia soli "Bochnia" is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

115. Kopalnia soli "Bochnia"

Campi, Bochnia, Województwo małopolskie
Historic and Protected Site · 8 tips and reviews
Mânăstirea Bârsana is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

116. Mânăstirea Bârsana

DJ186, Bârsana, Maramureș
Monastery · 3 tips and reviews
Mânăstirea Botiza is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

117. Mânăstirea Botiza

Botiza, Maramureș
Monastery · No tips or reviews
Biserica de lemn din Budești Josani is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

118. Biserica de lemn din Budești Josani

Budești, Maramureș
Church · 1 tip
Biserica de Lemn „Sf. Paraschiva” is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

119. Biserica de Lemn „Sf. Paraschiva”

Deseşti, Maramureș
Church · 1 tip
Kościół Michała Archanioła is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

122. Kościół Michała Archanioła

Kościelna 39, Dębno, Województwo małopolskie
Church · No tips or reviews
Kościół św.Leonarda is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

123. Kościół św.Leonarda

Church · No tips or reviews

124. Kościół w Sękowej Nawa Boczna

Church · No tips or reviews
Kościół w Haczowie is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

125. Kościół w Haczowie

Church · No tips or reviews

126. Drewniany Kościół w Bliznem

Blizne, Województwo podkarpackie
Church · No tips or reviews
Kostol sv. Františka Assiského is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

128. Kostol sv. Františka Assiského

Hervartov, Hervartov, Prešovský kraj
Church · 1 tip
Kostol Všetkých svätých is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

129. Kostol Všetkých svätých

Cintorínska, Tvrdošín, Žilinský kraj
Church · 1 tip
Drevený artikulárny kostol is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

130. Drevený artikulárny kostol

Augusta Horislava Krčméryho 8, Hronsek, Banskobystrický kraj
Church · 4 tips and reviews
Kostol Najsvätejšej Trojice | Evanjelický drevený artikulárny kostol is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

131. Kostol Najsvätejšej Trojice | Evanjelický drevený artikulárny kostol

Hviezdoslavova, Kežmarok, Prešovský kraj
Church · 4 tips and reviews
Chrám sv. Mikuláša | Cerkov sv. Nikolaja is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

132. Chrám sv. Mikuláša | Cerkov sv. Nikolaja

Bodružal, Bodružal, Prešovský kraj
Church · 1 tip
Drevený chrám sv. Michala, archanjela is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

133. Drevený chrám sv. Michala, archanjela

Ladomirová, Ladomirová, Prešovský kraj
Church · 1 tip
Drevený artikulárny kostol is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

134. Drevený artikulárny kostol

Svätý Kríž, Žilinský kraj
Church · 4 tips and reviews
Cerkiew św. Michała Archanioła w Brunarach is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

135. Cerkiew św. Michała Archanioła w Brunarach

Brunary, Gorlice
Church · No tips or reviews

136. Cerkiew Narodzenia Przenajświętszej Bogurodzicy w Chotyńcu

Chotyniec, Województwo podkarpackie
Church · No tips or reviews

138. Cerkiew Opieki Matki Bożej w Owczarach

Owczary, Gorlice
Church · No tips or reviews
cerkiew p.w, św. Jakuba Apostoła is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

139. cerkiew p.w, św. Jakuba Apostoła

Church · No tips or reviews
Cerkiew w Smolniku is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

140. Cerkiew w Smolniku

Church · No tips or reviews
St. Paraskevi Church is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

141. St. Paraskevi Church

(Cerkiew św. Paraskewy w Radrużu)
Radruż, Województwo podkarpackie
Church · No tips or reviews

142. St. Michael Archangel's Church

(Cerkiew św. Michała Archanioła w Turzańsku)
Turzańsk, Województwo podkarpackie
Church · No tips or reviews

143. Descent of the Holy Spirit Church

(Церква Святого Духа)
Potelych, Львівська обл.
Church · No tips or reviews
Дерев'яна Церква Пресвятої Трійці, XVIII ст. is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

144. Дерев'яна Церква Пресвятої Трійці, XVIII ст.

с. Гамулець, Львівська обл.
Church · 1 tip
Дерев'яна Церква святого Юра, XVI ст. / Wooden Church of st. Yuriy is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

145. Дерев'яна Церква святого Юра, XVI ст. / Wooden Church of st. Yuriy

вул. Солоний Ставок, 23, Дрогобич, Львівська обл.
Historic and Protected Site · 6 tips and reviews
Дерев'яна Церква Собору Богородиці, 1838 р. is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

146. Дерев'яна Церква Собору Богородиці, 1838 р.

с. Матків, Львівська обл.
Church · 1 tip
Церква Святого Духу / Church of the Holy Spirit (1598) is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

147. Церква Святого Духу / Church of the Holy Spirit (1598)

вул. Роксолани, 10, Рогатин, Івано-Франківська обл.
Church · No tips or reviews
The Church of the Nativity of B.V.M., Nyzhniy Verbizh is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

148. The Church of the Nativity of B.V.M., Nyzhniy Verbizh

(Церква Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці (Нижній Вербіж))
Нижній Вербіж
Church · No tips or reviews
Дерев'яна Церква св. Михайла, 1745 р. is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

149. Дерев'яна Церква св. Михайла, 1745 р.

с. Ужок, Закарпатська обл.
Church · No tips or reviews
Ascension of Our Lord Church is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Eastern Europe.

150. Ascension of Our Lord Church

(Струківська церква Вознесіння Господнього)
Ясіня, Закарпатська обл.
Church · 1 tip