I am witnessing this place getting better and better. lucky to live next to it. a bunch of restaurants, clothing stores, cafes. stop by for a quick dinner, a cup of hot coffee, a movie or whatever.
You will like it here! 11 floors above the ground and 3 floors below the center of the mall. It includes shopping, catering, entertainment, culture, fitness and leisure.
Ridiculously big mall. Takes half hour to get to the top, by escalators or waiting the elevators. The street vendors around makes the whole areas smell like sh...
Elevators run randomly between b3-1, or b3-8, or b1-9, or b1-10. Completely frustrating, even the staff doesn't know how to get you from a to b. Allow extra time to get anywhere above the 4th floor.
位于一层大厅的几米「每个拥抱都是地球天使的礼物」特展(到2013年2月17日止),不仅有几米「拥抱」作品形象等身浮雕展出,还有其他绘本的周边产品售卖,在「微笑的鱼」那边还有休息区,有几米绘本可以翻阅,小朋友甚至还可以和张开双臂的兔子拥抱。这个展厅更适合低龄小朋友,《向左走向右走》《又寂寞又美好》《地下铁》等情节则分布在大悦城走廊、立柱等适合大人欣赏体会的地方。《向左走向右走》的旋转木马也搬来了。 Read more
几米品牌与北京的朝阳大悦城合作的装置展「开往春天的地下铁」以及「拥抱」特展,让大悦城散发着童话般迷人的气息。几米绘本《我不是完美小孩》《月亮忘记了》《小蝴蝶小披风》《向左走向右走》《地下铁》《失乐园》,以及最新出版的《拥抱》等作品主要形象带着各自的故事,静静等待着与你见面,坐新开通的6号线地铁到青年路,从出口走到朝阳大悦城,你就可以一路看到它们。 Read more