The view! Stunning exterior with the reflective tall glass windows. Exceptionally beautiful when you come during sunset. About the food though - I’ve tasted better. I guess you pay for the view too..
Wonderful views (which you pay for in the food), distinctive architecture, and a livelytouristy atmosphere at least on weekends. Don't expect to get much work done, but do enjoy the views!
It's trendy and coffee's good, desserts are good, but it is very crowded, just to be warned. I used to go there for coffee but it did turn into a tourist spot, so I only go when my friends r visiting.
The architecture of the building is stunning itself but the view is also amazing. It was a little chilly last time I was there. Not sure if they have a heating system but bring a jacket just in case.
아직 가오픈 중,정식 오픈 예정일 미정. 공사로 많이 어수선,1층 홀 환기 안되고 답답, 홀 위생상태 좀더 신경써야할듯. 메뉴 음료외 브런치로 애그베네딕트 가능,두가지 피자류는 오후 3시부터 가능, 라스트 오더 저녁 9시까지. 곧 바다뷰 좋은 2층 개방 예정.(개방형 2층은 샴페인 마시기에 좋을 듯)