Finally a cheapdimsum place! Xiao Long Bao (소룡포) is 3,500원 for 3 and they're excellent! Shaomai (4,000원/3pcs) has fishflakes and was a bit too fishy for me. Loved the 딴딴면 (7,000원) though! Delicious!
The peanut broth noodles and the porkdimsum are especially delicious!! Very popular so expect to wait in line. Order enough, because you will not be able to reorder. Reasonably priced and authentic!
소룡포, 게살쇼마이,새우쇼마이,완탕면,마라새우 다 맛있음~^^ 만두류는 3piece씩 나오니 인원수와 본인의 역량 (먹성)에 따라 아마 계속 추가 주문하셔야할꺼에요~^^ 가격도 좋고 좋아요~👍 예약은 안받으심~가서 자리 만석임 기다리다 들어가심 되요~^^ 발렛도 됨~^^