You will queue. Worth the wait. Limit is 12 pp. Eat them once they have cooled down and been refrigerated - like cheesecake 2.0. Great for entertaining or an office treat for colleagues! Bon appetit!
After queuing for more than an hour, u can't possibly buy just one tart ($3.5)! Go for 6 ($19.5) or max out your limit of 12. Can be served room temperature, chilled or warm. It's worth the calories!
Now that the fad is gone, I got my 6 tarts in less than 15 min. Whee! Eat them freshly baked to get the creamy texture or eat them after refrigeration to get a cheesecake-like texture.
Paid $3.50 to relive a memory and taste the past. Not the same as the ones I had in its original Hokkaidō bakery (of cors it’s not the same, what u thinkin🙄) but enough for an instant gratification