From Pier 11 to IKEA, sit on the right side to see the Statue of Liberty. Come before departure time as the line is usually long on weekends and they allow a limited number of ppl on board
If you're easily seasick this tiny boat will knock you around. Take the 4/5/6 to Borough Hall and then the nearby shuttle to IKEA plaza. Will run you the same time or shorter for the same price.
On a nice day, take the water taxi from Pier 11 to Ikea, you'll have a great view of the city and statue of liberty especially at sunset. Then eat some swedish meatballs and lingonberryjuice at Ikea!
If the captain/security guard thinks your merch is too large, then you're not allowed on. It's completely dependent upon the captain. IKEA should adopt the rule 'If you can carry it, you can ride.'
For a great view of Manhattan and Brooklyn and a fun boating trip, take the IKEA ferry from Pier 11 for $5 (redeemable as a coupon @ IKEA and if you spend ~$10/person, free trip back!)!
Look for the giant yellow letters showing you that you have arrived... at Pier 11. Here you have the option of going on our All-Day Access Pass or IKEA shuttle.(Show more)