"かつての高雄港 (port) 駅跡(1941年までの高雄駅)を利用した鉄道博物館。芝生公園に昔の機関車や客車が展示されています。Old Kaohsiung Port Station, (Takao Station 1900-1941) is used as Railway Museum. Old Locomotive and coach is exhibited on the grass field."(3 Tips)
"You can see the office and real train models back in the old time."(2 Tips)
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It used to be the 2nd railway station in Kaohsiung city. Now it's a nice place for flying a kite, biking, or simply a walk. You may reach Pier 2 art center from here by walk.
かつての高雄港駅跡(1941年までの高雄駅)を利用した鉄道博物館。芝生公園に昔の機関車や客車が展示されています。Old Kaohsiung Port Station, (Takao Station 1900-1941) is used as Railway Museum. Old Locomotive and coach is exhibited on the grass field.