Waiting in queue for change room for 10 mins before resorting to trying it over the top of my outfit. The cashier suggested to buy it and return it if the size is wrong... Just build more changerooms!
Do the sales assistants ever smile or say hello? It seems like the most depressing place to work at. I like their blazers & jackets but other than that Zara just reminds me of a busy K-mart store.
If you have no time don't go here. And this shop has 4 levels. each with an entrance, for those lining up on street level.. you work it out. Also, not as good as Europe Zara.
Zara is a Spanish clothing and accessories retailer based in... Arteixo, Galicia, and founded in 1975 by Amancio Ortega and Rosalía Mera. It is the flagship chain store of the Inditex group.(Show more)