The chicken parm is out of this world. Best gravy in NYC (counting my mom's!). Skip the polenta/bolognese plank though... It's basically a slop poured on some wood and is missing substance.
SO Disappointing. Bolognese tastes like Chef Boyardee. Were in and out in 15 mins, defiantly felt rushed. Couldn't even finish my food, that bad tasting.
Awesome Place & Great food! Peça um spaghetti com meatballs, a massa é caseira feita no próprio restaurante. Melhor comida italiana de NY, lembrou a comida da minha Nona.
The neighborhood knows us for our heritage chicken parm, grass-fed beef meatballs, homemade pasta, and extra thin crust pizza, but what people really come back for is the thing that anchors it all: the sauce...