This is one of the top 5 worst airports in America. Outrageous security lines, outrageous taxi times, outrageous gate hold times… and the WORST terminal design I’ve seen outside of ATL.
If you're coming into customs, there are only 4 GOES kiosks (one of which was out of service) and like 20 kiosks for non-GOES people....?? What's the point? They got through faster than we did.
Security is easy if you're prepared. If it takes you more than a minute to get your stuff on the conveyor belt...BE FASTER OR ALLOW OTHERS TO GO IF THEY'RE READY
TSA searched me for having my daughters spit up on my jacket when it went thru xray and for traveling with 2nd sealed ready to feed formula. At 5:30am on my way to Ketchikan, a 90 min flight.
Security lines are longer than most US airports here. Lack of good well-known food options. Centurion lounge always crowded or full. Annoying train system to get to terminals.
Full body scanner going through security isn't required. You can opt to go through the metal detector instead with the possibility of a pat down. Certainly better than the scanner.