I sleep better knowing that somewhere out there was a guy that thought "let's put some gates out of order like 9, 11 and 13 together. Just for shit and giggles!". Otherwise - great airport!
Security is efficient. No need to remove anything from your bags as they have very efficient scanning. Lines that would have taken 30 minutes in the States- not here.
ATPI Schiphol balie, at your services, buy tickets, assistance on short term change of travelplans, every day from 06.00 AM -22.00PM opposite check in row 9 KLM departe lounge 2 Schiphol Airport
Such a big airport. Takes an hour to walk from one side to another. Plus, a high chance of getting lost because of all these shops that recur a few times.
Transavia=on same list as Ryanair...watching as most passengers can't fit hand luggage in measurer by just a few millimetres after they reduced the size in April...how pathetic
Dutch fail miserably in planning- if you do not have a EU passport prep for an extra hour in passport line / 100s of people in line only and only 1 officer for non EU line : (