For International flights be sure to definitely arrive prior to 2 hOUrs as required. I witnessed some passengers being denied for being 15 minutes late at 5am! Plus the security line may take 45+min
Going to LGA from JFK: Take Air Train to Jamaica Station, pay $7.50 into Metro machine, get Metro card, take E Line subway to Jackson Hts/Roosevelt Ave station, get off follow signs for Q33 bus to LGA
If you should wait your flight more then 3 hours here, especially in the morning, you have problems. Almost nowhere to sit down and wait, or have breakfast. Everything is after you checked in (
Dogs aren't allowed 2 wander freely in this zone without state approved canine helmets.Those captured without, are at risk of being trained 2 perform rudimentary tricks or worse, to hunt for narcotics
If you haven't flown out of Jet Blue's Terminal 5 you're missing out. Phenomenal breakfast at Aeronuova and yummy honeydippedfried chicken at 5ive Steak
Free wifi if you have a MasterCard! Some kind soul please share the password here. I got free wifi through Boingo but had to download Amazon's app first.
An interesting infographic on why you have to turn off your electronics during takeoff and landing (Read it before you stow your device away!). Read more
If you feel like to get in a fight, go fly Delta.Their staff will make sure it will happen. And also, plan for at least 1.5 hrs if your flight takes off in terminal 4.
Not as bad as I'd heard it made out to be. Got through security fairly quickly and hassle free and a decent range of restaurants and shops on the other side.
Does it seem crowded? The airport handles around 48 million passengers a year which is the equivalent of the entire population of South Korea passing through the terminals every 12 months
Have you ever won the Powerball? Apparently, you're the only people lucky enough to acquire feminine products in this Airport. Otherwise, you have to be a Lvl 6 Summoner...Or go to the newsstand @B26
T5/JetBlue is definitely the way to go! Short security lines, friendly and efficient staff. Plenty of outlets to plug in and charge and free and speedy WiFi.
If you are trying to depart from delta gates 15-30, get their early and prepare so stand in a stagnant security line. One ticket checker and one X-ray machine for 15 gates.
Fly jetBlue if possible (unless there's a friggin hurricane). Cheaper rates, friendlier staff & more legroom than any other airline. JetBlue's terminal is much better here than other terminals!
Does it seem crowded? The airport handles around 48 million passengers a year which is the equivalent of the entire population of South Korea passing through the terminals every 12 months
"The city that never sleeps" Always feel like my first time.. Nothing describes the feeling you get when you're in this city. I fucking love New York 🇺🇸🗽🙌😍❤️
John F. Kennedy International Airport is the primary international airport serving New York City. It is the busiest international air passenger gateway into North America, the 14th-busiest airport in the world, and the sixth-busiest airport in the United States.